This is an earlier work of mine in stained glass. It contains lots of elements that I love using, such as streakie glasses which add an atmospheric glow to the painting, and of course, lots of wildlife! The animals are mostly hybrids that are influenced by images from medieval manuscripts and are set within a spooky forest.

This panel was a commission made for my cousin. She asked for sunflowers and heather, in memory of her Mum. It was a lovely panel to make and the antique glass I used for the heather had swathes of purple and green throughout. The sunflowers are made with a combination of yellow glass and silver stain.

The seahorse is based on a lovely antique silver brooch I bought in Whitby – the last place I visited for a short holiday before lockdown. I wanted to create the feel of parchment by using glass paint combined with streakie brown glasses.