
© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
The Sentinel

My submission for the British Society of Master Glass Painters Centenary exhibition. Painted, silver stained and leaded antique glass.

The panel is inspired by the birds in my garden and the solace found in wildlife through difficult times. The Jackdaws in particular were fun to watch. One would keep a look out whilst the other was on the feeder and sometimes there were several pairs. Then they would swap and take it in turns to keep watch. It was heartwarming to watch their sense of community, trust and camaraderie.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
Strix aluco (nocturne)

This piece was made for the BSMGP Centenary Exhibition.

It is inspired by many woodland walks where I often hear tawny owls calling at dusk. It has always been a magical sound to hear.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022

I love Blackbirds and this new piece is one of two panels I have made which pays homage to them. They are always in the garden. I also have a rambling rose which flowered last June and was full of bees and a beautiful purple campanula grew around and through it. So I put everything together in this piece

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
Grief & Hope

Here is another small piece of stained glass of mine which I decided to keep monotone to be in the spirit of old prints, photographs or illustrations of stormy seas and to give a moonlit effect. I love the drama of the sea and all its mystery as well as images of sailing ships. The glass also contained a swirling pattern and I was inspired by the material itself to paint this image.


© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022

This panel depicts Cinnabar, Elephant Hawk and Garden Tiger Moths. It was made using a mix of antique mouth-blown and clear glass with paint and silver stain.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
Butterflies (USA)

Here is a lovely little commission I was asked to do of four butterflies. They are three types of Swallowtails and a Monarch, all native to the home of the client in Ohio, USA.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022

This panel depicts a Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral and Orange-Tip butterflies. It was made using a mix of antique mouth-blown and clear glass with paint and silver stain.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022

These bats are medieval in inspiration and the bat is a bit of a hybrid creature and has a longer, lizard-like tail. I love the creatures in the margins of medieval manuscripts. The panels use English Antique Glass and silver stain along with the paint work to create all the effects.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
Pipistrelle Bat

This panel of a Common Pipistrelle bat. I have always loved bats and look forward to seeing these particular ones flying around near where I live. I finally bought a bat detector recently which I will be using soon in the garden and local woods. All the little pieces are English Antique glass.


© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
In The Glade

I often see Roe Deer on walks with my dogs in my local woodlands. This one was staring at me beside a tree and I managed to recreate the glowing glade in antique glasses. It was a magical moment.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022

I loved writing the names in Latin with a dipping pen and it created the effect I wanted of an antiquarian or museum collection.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
Parable of the Sower

Here is a panel I made in 2016 on an internship at Canterbury Cathedral Studios. It’s part of a panel in a stained glass window there, representing ‘The Parable of the Sower’. It took about six weeks to make and was made using traditional grozing irons to cut the glass down and a medieval style of paintwork. Happy memories.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022

This is an earlier work of mine in stained glass. It contains lots of elements that I love using, such as streakie glasses which add an atmospheric glow to the painting, and of course, lots of wildlife! The animals are mostly hybrids that are influenced by images from medieval manuscripts and are set within a spooky forest.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022
Sunflowers and Heather

This panel was a commission made for my cousin. She asked for sunflowers and heather, in memory of her Mum. It was a lovely panel to make and the antique glass I used for the heather had swathes of purple and green throughout. The sunflowers are made with a combination of yellow glass and silver stain.

© Veronica Smith Stained Glass 2022

The seahorse is based on a lovely antique silver brooch I bought in Whitby – the last place I visited for a short holiday before lockdown. I wanted to create the feel of parchment by using glass paint combined with streakie brown glasses.